driving test anxiety?

Simply free from . . . Driving test doubts

Being able to drive is an essential skill in today’s society. However the pressure of taking and passing a driving test can often prove too stressful for some people.

Does this sound familiar?

Sean introduces a revolutionary new technique to help learner drivers deal with stress.

Sean introduces a revolutionary new technique to help learner drivers deal with stress.

  • Do you feel you are good enough to pass your driving test, but when the day of the test arrives nerves take over and sabotage your performance?
  • Have you failed your driving test a number of times because of stress and feel like you may never pass?
  • Have you tried a number of ways of dealing with the anxiety but nothing seems to help?

Would you like help to keep you calm, relaxed and focused on your big day?

“I failed my driving test a number of times because of being nervous, I found it difficult to believe that someday I could pass my test. I passed my driving test last Monday. I was so happy I was in tears. Thank you so much for EFT it worked for me. A big thank you to you Sean”. Cathy – Cambridge

The Problem

When a learner driver is about to take their driving test, or trainee driving instructor take their part three exam, often their biggest challenge is dealing with the emotional pressure of the occasion.

Read how Sean uses ‘tapping’ to free learner drivers from their ‘test nerves’

Read how Sean uses ‘tapping’ to free learner drivers from their ‘test nerves’

The fear of failure, letting themselves and others down, the pressure to pass, self doubt etc. These negative emotions are stored in our sub conscious, often outside our awareness and under pressure trigger the fight or flight response in our body: feeling sick, dry mouth, muddled thinking, tense tight muscles, possibly shaking.

Conventional ways of dealing with stress, such as deep breathing, positive thinking, visualisation and more practise, often struggle to deal with the body’s physical response to fight or flight.

The Solution

This is where I can help. EFT deals with the power of the sub conscious mind. The beliefs and programming that often runs our life, for example, self doubt, anxiety, poor performances from our past experiences, self sabotaging thoughts. EFT uses the body’s energy system to erase negative thinking. Once the negative and limiting belief has been cleared, positive affirmations can more effectively take hold, the competition has been eliminated and is therefore easier to accept how we really want to feel.


EFT or tapping is a form of acupuncture but instead of using needles we tap on the established meridian points on the body. The technique is simple safe, powerful and can be used subtly just when you need it. Also you don’t have to believe in it for it to work!

A Dramatic shift in performance

EFT is certainly a different approach, and perhaps that’s why it may be sometimes difficult to take seriously. However, people often experience a dramatic shift in the way they feel when they elect to try it. Stress can cause a disruption in the body’s energy system – like a boulder blocking a stream – and when the stress is cleared by tapping, the energy like the stream, flows freely again. EFT provides people with the opportunity to keep calm, focused and do their best when under pressure.

“Sean used EFT with me before my driving test and I went from feeling physically sick to being excited and wanting to get on with it. A year ago, I was despairing and close to giving up. Becoming a qualified driver seemed completely impossible. However with Sean’s help, I passed first time!” Rose Gleeson – Cardiff


Does it guarantee that by doing your best every time you will get the result you want? No. Just as a sportsman can play/ compete at their best and still lose, I feel it is understanding and accepting what you can control in life. Using EFT can help create a win/win situation, that will help you enjoy whatever challenge you have before you, regardless of the result, whilst helping you consistently play/perform to your potential.

New Age Technique

I hope the work I have done helping learner drivers and trainee driving instructors around the country pass their tests – a 100% pass rate – has shown there is help for those who struggle with lack of confidence and nerves. Once you get over the small hurdle of thinking I am writing this from my ‘New Age’ tepee on the top of a mountain, then you may be ready to achieve your dreams.

Special Offer: Book now for an individual 60 minute session with Sean for only £30 – normally £40 (offer until February 28th)

If you feel as though you need help to help to free you from your fears when taking your driving test, contact me for a free initial consultation by phone or email on 01633681555 / 07818851643 or sean@confidenceontap.com

*Alternatively, if you would like to see how I used EFT to achieve such impressive results, you can sample or purchase my book at www.smashwords.com/6/60643

What others have said

“I have just taken my ADI part 3 test for the fourth time, this was my first attempt second time around. Previously in all three attempts I would completely fall apart. Even after taking in excess of 40 hours with different trainers and holding a pink trainee license, I was not confident and able to take control of the role playing examiner. Before each attempt at my test my trainer would reassure me that I was ready and capable of passing this test. Basically, nerves let me down. I was going completely blank, could not focus, my mouth would dry up and I was literally shaking. After reading an article in the ADI news about Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) by Sean Grey I decided to give it a go. To date I have had a number of sessions with Sean and I can honestly say that EFT has made a world of difference to my confidence. Even though I did not pass on this attempt due to missing some subtle mistakes, I was calm, relaxed and spoke well. Even my trainer Richard was impressed with my confidence and control of the lesson. Due to my new found confidence with the help of EFT, I have immediately applied to retake the test. Anyone who has unsuccessfully taken the part 3 test will understand how important it is to think clearly under pressure. This was the first time I felt calm, focused and under control. Sean and EFT has given me the confidence to continue with this career and I firmly believe that I will pass this course.” Bharat Shama – Birmingham Three weeks later Bharat was successful at his fifth attempt and passed with a grade 6 and 5!”

“I was slightly sceptical when I read the article in the ADI News, but am always open to trying new techniques to help my students be successful. After speaking with Sean I felt it would benefit 2 of my students in particular and they were both excited to try something new. The results were fantastic and speak for themselves – one pass with one minor and one pass with 2 minors.

I found that both students were much calmer in the hour before their test. They were both fully capable of passing, but had failed twice due to test nerves. They both watched the video and spoke with Sean on the telephone before their tests and used the tapping exercises right up to the moment when the examiner arrived to check their paperwork. They were ecstatic and hugely complementary about Sean and the tapping exercises. I have been referring all of my students to Sean’s website and will continue to recommend the EFT techniques. Thank you so much Sean.”

Nicola Wilkins
Toads school of driving

“Going through the ADi News I came across an article about EFT, having never heard of this before I was intrigued to find out what it was all about. The article gripped me from the start as I was about to take my ADI part 3, the reason I was so interested was having failed the first time through shear nerves, this was saying EFT could help.

Not sure of how it worked I phoned Sean to find out more, he told me it was all to do with tapping on pressure points, still a bit sceptical about what he was saying we then went though some tapping. Sean asked me how I felt on the day of my last test on a scale from 1 to 10, mine was way up at a 9/10, not being able to sleep, feeling sick, shaking.

After an initial tapping and Sean telling me what to say as I was doing it, he asked me again how would I scale how I felt, thinking about that day. I can honestly say that I came down to a 5/6, so again we went through the tapping and
Sean telling me what to say, I felt like the whole world had been lifted from my shoulders, and I was actually smiling I felt so happy and couldn’t explain why.

After the call I was so relaxed that I had the best nights sleep I had had in weeks, I continued to do the tapping all the next week, and spoke to Sean a week later, and repeated the process with different words, telling me that it was all about me and not about the examiner, (who by the way was to me the scariest part of the part 3,) and no matter what module I was to get that I would be able to do my best.
Test Day came, having been doing the tapping up to and including the day, I was so much more relaxed about what was going to happen, no feeling sick or shaking, and having been able to sleep, bonus.

Thanks to Sean and EFT I passed on the 11th February, to anyone out there who has a worry about anything at all I would recommend EFT, I am still using it for any worries or problems I have, I feel so much calmer about anything that is thrown my way, I know that I will use this for the rest of my life.
How it works I am not entirely sure but it does, so a big THANKS to Sean for giving me a new lease of Life.”

Lynne Ryan – West Midlands

“Learning to drive has been one of the most challenging and difficult experiences of my life. Although I have always been successful in my academic and working life, I lack confidence in my co-ordination and physical skills. I have strong perfectionist tendencies, and whilst these have been helpful in some areas of my life, they have prevented me from attempting things which I am not naturally good at, or which I am unable to do perfectly. Driving, then, proved to be a real struggle for me, as of course, it impossible to drive perfectly all the time, and it is necessary to make lots of mistakes before you begin to improve.
When I began driving, I was in a state of acute anxiety not only whilst driving, but the night before a lesson and for a few hours after a lesson. I suffered from palpitations, breathlessness, loss of appetite, and even panic attacks. It is a testament to Sean that, despite these obstacles, I persevered. I don’t think anyone else could have had the skills, or the patience to teach me to drive.
I am naturally very self critical, and once I had made a mistake I would get flustered, and my driving would become worse and worse until I was verging on tears and unable to finish a lesson.
Sean introduced EFT into our lessons, and I immediately noticed a difference in the way I felt about my driving. Although I was still anxious, it was reassuring to know I had a method for dealing with the stress it caused me. I was particularly surprised at how quickly EFT relieved the physical symptoms of anxiety, making me instantly more relaxed, more able to breathe and to think clearly. Sean also used positive, empowering phrases to accompany the tapping, and for me the most important phrase was ‘I accept myself’. I started to see driving as a challenge to enjoy rather than a task at which I would inevitably fail. The sense of achievement I gained from a good lesson soon outweighed any panic, and I noticed a positive impact on the rest of my life too. I am finally able to see mistakes as a part of the learning process. I am much less critical of myself and much less afraid of failure since I have persevered and succeeded in learning to drive.
Sean used EFT with me before my driving test and I went from feeling physically sick to being excited and wanting to get on with it. A year ago, I was despairing and close to giving up. Becoming a qualified driver seemed completely impossible. However, with Sean’s help, I passed my test first time! I am looking forward to taking on more challenges in the future, and I will definitely use EFT to help me. Thanks to Sean, for the first time in my life, I am really learning to accept myself.”

Rose Gleeson – Cardiff

“ Dear Sean,

After questioning whether I had really won a competition in ADI News I picked up the phone to find out more about ‘tapping’. I had a chuckle to myself and didn’t believe it could work !
I spoke to several of my pupils who agreed to watch Sean’s video and take it seriously which is more than I did initially !
Paige, Miranda, Kitty …. to name but a few, have benefited. Kitty said she felt so relaxed she almost fell asleep ! The girls anxiety ranged from driving test nerves, competition nerves and impending ‘A’ levels.
Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it is all I’m going to say ! Oh, and a very big thank you to Sean for all his help !”

Sue Papworth
Toads School of Driving

“Hi Sean,

I would like to say that since our EFT session I have definitely been feeling more positive, have a lot of work right now but it isn’t stressing me out like it used to do. Sue has also said she has seen a definite improvement in my driving. And I managed to drive all the way from Cambridge to Norfolk without loosing my cool and most importantly I enjoyed it too! So thank you. You will probably hear from me around exam time though!”

Kitty – Cambridge

“Thanks for your help Sean . . . At the ripe old age of 43 I managed to pass my driving test using EFT to eliminate my fear and nerves of the test situation. I wasn’t scared or anxious at all, I was confident calm and positive.”


“I was so nervous about driving that I ended up making silly little mistakes. This really helped me relax and trust myself behind the wheel, as a result I drive a lot better so I don’t get nervous with driving. Thank you so much!”

Brentley Auman

If you feel as though you need help to help to free you from your fears when taking your driving test, contact me for a free initial consultation by phone or email on 01633681555 / 07818851643 or sean@stagefrightfreedom.com

*Alternatively, if you would like to see how I used EFT to achieve such impressive results, you can sample or purchase my book at www.smashwords.com/6/60643

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