This a chapter from my new ebook: ‘Freedom from Exam Stress’



This chapter is designed to help you deal with those moments before an exam when you feel that stress is taking a hold.

For some students the nerves that build up in anticipation of taking an exam can be almost as stressful as taking the test itself. The constant worry about what might go wrong, the sleepless nights, not being able to rest; these are all factors that can be emotionally and physically draining.

With regard to the dreaded day itself, your mind starts to go blank and all hope is lost when you can no longer remember anything that you have learnt. On the day, symptoms may include: loss of appetite, feeling sick, muscles shaking, unable to focus and wishing you were somewhere else. Not exactly the ideal preparation for one of the most important days of your life!

However, all is not lost! EFT may be a shining light amidst the darkness, as it’s one of the few techniques that can free you from debilitating emotional and physical symptoms as you prepare to take your exam or test.

Imagine the day of your exam. What are the strongest emotions you are feeling? What’s keeping you awake at night?

Scale how you feel (0-10). 0 indicating you feel fine, ready to go. If it’s a 10 or close to it, you probably have that feeling of dread and wish it was all over. I am going to use the feelings of worry and being nervous as an example.

We will now start to tap on the body’s acupressure points to settle the nerves.

Using your index and middle finger, lightly tap your karate chop point and repeat all the phrases below.

“Even though I can’t stop worrying about my exam, I accept myself.”

“Even though I’m fearful that nerves will get in the way and my mind will go blank, I accept myself.”

“Even though I feel the pressure building and fear letting myself and others down, I accept myself.”

Repeat the reminder phrase below as you tap on the body’s acupressure points. Do the sequence twice- start with the top of the head and follow through the points. Lightly tap about 5 times on each point and don’t worry if you miss a point out, just focus on the words.

“I am worried about my exam, I fear my mind going blank, my nerves taking over and not being able to control my emotions.”

Take a deep breath, think of the day of your exam, scale how you feel, is the number the same or has it changed? Tap again and see if you feel calmer.

Tapping the karate chop point, repeat all the phrases below – introduce ‘still’.

“Even though I am still worried about my exam, I accept myself.”

“Even though I am still fearful of not being able to focus, I accept myself.”

“Even though I am still feeling the pressure building, I accept myself.”

Repeat the reminder phrase below as you tap on the body’s acupressure points. Do the sequence twice.

“Still worried, fearful, still feeling the pressure.”

Take a deep breath, scale yourself again, what is the number now? Have your feelings changed? Do you feel a little calmer and less worried? (If still no change, tap another few rounds focusing on the negative until you feel a shift). Now your mind is clearer we can introduce the positive.

Tapping the karate chop point, repeat the phrase below three times.

“Even though I am still a little worried I want to change the way I feel, these feelings are not helping. I want to stay in the moment, not worry about the future, be calm, relaxed and focused.”

Repeat the reminder phrase below as you tap on the body’s acupressure points. Do the sequence twice.

“Still a little worried, I want to change the way I feel. These feelings are not helping, I want to stay in the moment, not worry about the future, be calm, relaxed and focused.”

Take a deep breath and scale again You should begin to feel very different about your exam and moving away from being worried and fearful. Now we will tap just on the positive, how you would ideally like to feel on the day.

Tapping the karate chop point, repeat the phrase below three times introducing ‘I choose’.

“I choose to be open to the possibility that I can focus on the now and not worry about the future. I choose to just do my work, be calm, relaxed, confident and when the day comes, I will view it as a challenge not a threat, just step up and do my best.”

Repeat the reminder phrase below as you tap on the body’s acupressure points. Do the sequence twice.

“I choose to be open to the possibility that I can focus on the now and not worry about the future. I choose to just do my work, be calm, relaxed, confident and when the day comes, I will view it as a challenge not a threat, just step up and do my best.”

How do you feel now? Hopefully lighter, calmer and more optimistic. This simple technique can revolutionise performances levels and save countless students from unnecessary stress- Let it help you!

Do you struggle with pre-test anxiety? What have you tried that has helped? Leave a comment or if you would like a free consultation email me at sean@confidenceontap.com 

If you’d like to buy or sample my new ebook which includes chapters on feeling overwhelmed, the inner critic and perfectionism click here: ‘Freedom from Exam Stress’

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